Spark Studio, Year 2, Session 6, Week 27

This was the second week that they children went straight to core skills after arriving at school, and there is a marked difference in their focus on Montessori activities! They are feeling a sense of pride as they delve deeper into their work and feel success as they make progress towards their goals.

The week also began on a high note as each Spark hero read the response to their love letters to their parents last week! The heroes had an in-depth discussion with each other at circle time, as they imagined what it would be like if they swapped days with their parents. What if their parents came to school? And what if the heroes went to their parents’ workplaces?

The children had so much fun stepping into the shoes of their parents for a little while! Thank you to all the parents who shared their daily experiences with us and sparked the learners’ imaginations!

In Quest, the learners have been spending much time outdoors. This week, they learned all about soil including the minerals, clay, and organic materials that makes up soil. The children took soil samples and brought them back to school to take a closer look. They discovered how each sample was unique, made up of different components. It was amazing to see the differences between samples within just a 1-mile radius!

The children also conducted a celery experiment to learn more about how plants grow and how their root systems work. They were all in awe as they watched the celery change color as it soaked up the water!

In World Cultures, the children celebrated Earth Day! The heroes made Earths using paper plates and materials from nature. They also explored a number of Native American tribes and how some look to animals for guidance. To celebrate this, each hero made a clay animals that represented their personality or talents. It was amazing to learn about different cultures and their connections to nature!

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